User Group

There are two distinct types of membership in the GUUG: The personal membership for a fee of 70 Euro (30 Euro for students) per year and the sponsoring membership for companies and other organizations (with a minimum fee of 350 Euros per year). Read more about membership.


Our annual general meeting always takes place at the GUUG-Frühjahrsfachgespräch in the spring. And, of course, we have our by-lawsrules for membership fee and statutes for elections on this server as well as the list of current board members.


The GUUG has many sister organizations in other countries, SAGE groups are also to be found in other countries. The former special interest group „schools“ is now an independent organisation, the FSuB e.V..


In einem gewissen Umfang sponsort die GUUG auch Veranstaltungen, die sie nicht selbst organisiert, wenn diese der Förderung der GUUG-Vereinsziele oder der Bekanntmachung der GUUG und ihrer Veranstaltungen dienen.