The German Unix User Group

The German Unix User Group, founded in 1984, is a non-profit organization for professional system and network administrators, security experts and system programmers which prefer to use a Unix operating system.


Unix, in our understanding, includes free systems like Linux, BSD and OpenSolaris variants as well as commercial Unix systems. Important to us are open and well defined interfaces and APIs, the compliance with internet and other open standards and last but not least: the chance to have a look deep into the system.


Since more than 20 years GUUG organizes national and international conferences, where core developers and other well known experts present cutting edge topics, attendees can get professional training in tutorials or exchange experiences and ideas with peers. We also have a member magazine (called UpTimes). In a couple of metropolitan areas there are local events (for free) with talks/presentations which is a good local opportunity to listen to new topics and talk to your peers.


Like in other countries around the globe there is a SAGE group (SAGE stands for System Administrators Guild) also in Germany which is a forum for the system administration community.